Create Valentine's memories with the gift of heart-warming books for your special someone. From adorable board books to cool chapter books, there's something for everyone. You'll find that Valentine's chocolates simply can't compare with the sweetness of enjoying great holiday books with your little one. Why not say I LOVE YOU this Valentine's Day, and for many more to come, with these darling Valentine's Day books?
Soft Baby Books:
Baby Love (Message from the Heart) (see book description)
Sassy "Who Loves Baby?" Soft Family Photo Album
Board Books:
Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney – Board Book
My Fuzzy Valentine (see book description)
Guess Who?: A Foldout Valentine's Adventure (see book description)
Bunny Kisses (Pat the Bunny) (see book description)
Where Is Baby's Valentine?: A Lift-the-Flap Book (holiday series)

Read Aloud/Picture Books:
I Love You More Than Rainbows (See Little Ones book review)
Happy Valentine's Day, Mouse! (If You Give…)
The Night Before Valentine's Day
Fancy Nancy: Heart to Heart (with stickers)
Clifford's First Valentine's Day
Chapter Books:
Juliet The Valentine Fairy (Rainbow Magic)
Cam Jansen and the Valentine Baby Mystery
Arthur's Valentine (Arthur Adventure Series)
Magic School Bus Science Reader: Has A Heart
Classic Valentine's DVDs:
Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown
Also see the Little Ones Valentine's Day Special for adorable Valentine's crafts & activities at
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