Expand and enrich your child’s reading repertoire with the introduction of well-written non-fiction books. Not only will your child develop the important lifelong skill of reading for information, but he or she is guaranteed to acquire numerous facts and background knowledge along the way. Many children’s non-fiction books are based on a variety of topics directly from their school and state curriculums!!! There are some awesome children’s series available! Reading well selected non-fiction books gives children a tremendous head start on classroom learning. An effective strategy is to read non-fiction books at home which correspond to upcoming or current units of study at school. You may also wish to have young children read a wide variety of non-fiction topics in order to determine their personal interests. Whether it be animals, astronomy, mythology or something different, discover their passion and pursue it!
Likewise, support your child’s efforts by having reference books such as a dictionary or thesaurus on hand when completing assignments. While younger children benefit from simply exploring illustrated dictionaries, older students can simplify their tasks through the use of specialized teaching tools such as rhyming dictionaries and more.
Recommended Non-Fiction Books:
Recommended Non-Fiction Authors: Cole, Joanne Fritz, Jean Gibbons, Gail Simon, Seymour |
Recommended Reference Books: